Saturday, June 12, 2010

Make Related Post For Blog

This session I want share to you how to Make Related Post For Blog, because I look still very much blogger not use Related Post for their blog. Related Post Functions is to make your visitor getting some information about your post and promote other post to your visitor. Here we go to Make Related Post For Blog. Please follow step by step this tutorial Make Related Post For Blog :
  1. Login to your blog
  2. Go to 'Layout-->Edit HTML'
  3. Check 'Expand Widgets Template'
  4. Find this code script <data:post.body>
  5. Put this code script below after <data:post.body>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='similiar'>

<div class='widget-content'>
<h3>Related Post</h3>
<div id='data2007'/><br/><br/>
<script type='text/javascript'>

var homeUrl3 = &quot;<data:blog.homepageUrl/>&quot;;
var maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 4;
var maxNumberOfLabels = 10;

maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 100;
maxNumberOfLabels = 3;

function listEntries10(json) {
var ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);
var maxPosts = (json.feed.entry.length &lt;= maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel) ?
json.feed.entry.length : maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; maxPosts; i++) {
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
var alturl;

for (var k = 0; k &lt;; k++) {
if ([k].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {
alturl =[k].href;
var li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;);
var a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);
a.href = alturl;

if(a.href!=location.href) {
var txt = document.createTextNode(entry.title.$t);
for (var l = 0; l &lt;; l++) {
if ([l].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {
var raw =[l].href;
var label = raw.substr(homeUrl3.length+13);
var k;
for (k=0; k&lt;20; k++) label = label.replace(&quot;%20&quot;, &quot; &quot;);
var txt = document.createTextNode(label);
var h = document.createElement(&#39;b&#39;);
var div1 = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);
function search10(query, label) {

var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
script.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;, query + &#39;feeds/posts/default/-/&#39;
+ label +
script.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;, &#39;text/javascript&#39;);

var labelArray = new Array();
var numLabel = 0;

<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
textLabel = &quot;<>&quot;;

var test = 0;
for (var i = 0; i &lt; labelArray.length; i++)
if (labelArray[i] == textLabel) test = 1;
if (test == 0) {
var maxLabels = (labelArray.length &lt;= maxNumberOfLabels) ?
labelArray.length : maxNumberOfLabels;
if (numLabel &lt; maxLabels) {
search10(homeUrl3, textLabel);

Save and finish

If with this code script above not function in your blog, you can try this code script Make Related Post For Blog :

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><br />
<div class='similiar'><br />
<div class='widget-content'><br />
<h3>Related Posts</h3><br />
<div id='data2007'/><br/><br/><br />
<script type='text/javascript'><br />
<br />
var homeUrl3 = &quot;<data:blog.homepageUrl/>&quot;;<br />
var maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 4;<br />
var maxNumberOfLabels = 10;<br />
<br />
maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel = 100;<br />
maxNumberOfLabels = 3;<br />
<br />
<br />
function listEntries10(json) {<br />
var ul = document.createElement(&#39;ul&#39;);<br />
var maxPosts = (json.feed.entry.length &lt;= maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel) ? <br />
json.feed.entry.length : maxNumberOfPostsPerLabel;<br />
for (var i = 0; i &lt; maxPosts; i++) {<br />
var entry = json.feed.entry[i];<br />
var alturl;<br />
<br />
for (var k = 0; k &lt;; k++) {<br />
if ([k].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {<br />
alturl =[k].href;<br />
break;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
var li = document.createElement(&#39;li&#39;);<br />
var a = document.createElement(&#39;a&#39;);<br />
a.href = alturl;<br />
<br />
if(a.href!=location.href) {<br />
var txt = document.createTextNode(entry.title.$t); <br />
a.appendChild(txt);<br />
li.appendChild(a);<br />
ul.appendChild(li); <br />
}<br />
}<br />
for (var l = 0; l &lt;; l++) {<br />
if ([l].rel == &#39;alternate&#39;) {<br />
var raw =[l].href;<br />
var label = raw.substr(homeUrl3.length+13);<br />
var k;<br />
for (k=0; k&lt;20; k++) label = label.replace(&quot;%20&quot;, &quot; &quot;);<br />
var txt = document.createTextNode(label);<br />
var h = document.createElement(&#39;b&#39;);<br />
h.appendChild(txt);<br />
var div1 = document.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);<br />
div1.appendChild(h);<br />
div1.appendChild(ul);<br />
document.getElementById(&#39;data2007&#39;).appendChild(div1);<br />
}<br />
}<br />
}<br />
function search10(query, label) {<br />
<br />
var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);<br />
script.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;, query + &#39;feeds/posts/default/-/&#39;<br />
+ label +<br />
&#39;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=listEntries10&#39;);<br />
script.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;, &#39;text/javascript&#39;);<br />
document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(script);<br />
}<br />
<br />
var labelArray = new Array();<br />
var numLabel = 0;<br />
<br />
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'><br />
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><br />
textLabel = &quot;<>&quot;;<br />
<br />
var test = 0;<br />
for (var i = 0; i &lt; labelArray.length; i++)<br />
if (labelArray[i] == textLabel) test = 1;<br />
if (test == 0) { <br />
labelArray.push(textLabel);<br />
var maxLabels = (labelArray.length &lt;= maxNumberOfLabels) ? <br />
labelArray.length : maxNumberOfLabels;<br />
if (numLabel &lt; maxLabels) {<br />
search10(homeUrl3, textLabel);<br />
numLabel++;<br />
}<br />
}<br />
</b:loop><br />
</b:loop><br />
</script><br />
</div><br />
<br />
</div><br />
</b:if><br />

Good Luck, Make Related Post For Blog

Friday, May 21, 2010

XHTML Document Header Resource

This XHTML header tags resource is a work in progress, perpetually expanding and evolving as new information is obtained, explored, and integrated. Hopefully, you will find it useful in some way. Even better, perhaps you will share any complimentary or critical information concerning the contents of this article.

Table of Contents

Important Information [ ^ ]

This article presents information as concisely as possible, and is intended as a general overview of XHTML header tags. More detailed header tag information is available elsewhere. In this article, each tag is presented along with a brief definition or explanation. Where two (or more) tag examples are provided, the first is a generalized version while others represent specific situations.

It is important to note that, when writing XHTML code, all tags (e.g., meta, link, head) and their corresponding attributes (e.g., href, rel, content) must be expressed entirely in lowercase character. However, the values of tag attributes are entirely case-insensitive. Also, valid XHTML also requires all tag elements to be closed. Thus, remember to close elements such as link, base, and meta with a "space-slash-bracket" (" />").

XML Declaration (Prolog) [ ^ ]

The XML Declaration, or prolog, is used in conjuction with XHTML and is not required for HTML documents. As XML documents, pages structured via XHTML should begin with an XML declaration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250"?>

Note: documents using UTF-8 character encoding (default) do not need to use this declaration. Omission of the XML declaration is useful to prevent Internet Explorer from switching to “quirks mode.”


This tag, used in conjunction with http-equiv content-type, provides complete document content information, equipping modern browsing devices to correctly interpret document contents.



<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "">

The html tag [ ^ ]

The html tag encloses all subsequent tags. The html tag may include various attributes, including one declaring any XML Name Space (xmlns), and another declaring various other XML properties (xml:property="value").

Use this for HTML:


Use this for XHTML 1.0 and 1.1:

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"></html>

And use this for XHTML 2.0:

<html xmlns=""


     xsi:schemaLocation=" TBD"


The head tag [ ^ ]

The head tag encloses much of the documents “meta” information, and may include the following tags: <code>, <base>, <link>, <meta>, <script>, <style>, <title>. There are several attributes that may be included in the head tag, as shown in the following examples:

<head dir="ltr | rtl" id="unique alphanumeric identifier" lang="language code" profile="url"></head>

<head dir="ltr" id="head-id" lang="EN" profile=""></head>

The title tag [ ^ ]

The title tag is a crucial part of any web document. An effective title may help the search ranking of the document. We all know this one:

<title>The Document Title< /title>

base & item [ ^ ]

The base tag indicates a predefined target base for all relative links provided on the page (related tag: http-equiv window-target). Using the base tag ensures relative links reach their targets even if the structure of the site directory changes. Further, the base tag is a great way to save bandwidth and simplify code by writing long URLs, parameterized URLs, and other unsightly URLs only once and out of view. Perhaps the most underrated of all tags. Here are two examples; the first defines an external target while the second instructs all links to open in a new window:

<base href=""/>

<base target="_blank"/>

The item tag defines specific objects referenced in the document:

<item label="label" url=""/></item>

http-equiv [ ^ ]

http-equiv tags send the browser information involving the actual processing of the web document itself. http-equiv tags effectively function in the same way as HTTP headers sent directly by the server, and are responsible for specifying actions related to content caching, location redirection, and page refreshing. The term “http-equiv” indicates its equivalence with HTTP headers, which are frequently generated from HTML tags such as http-equiv.

http-equiv window-target

The http-equiv window-target tag indicates a predefined target base for all relative links provided on the page (related tag: base). Using the http-equiv window-target tag ensures relative links reach their targets even if the structure of the site directory changes. Further, the base tag is a great way to save bandwidth and simplify code by writing long URLs, parameterized URLs, and other unsightly URLs only once and out of view. Here are examples showing some popular instances of the http-equiv window-target tag:

<meta http-equiv="window-target" content="../../relative/directory/"/>

<meta http-equiv="window-target" content=""/>

<meta http-equiv="window-target" content="_top"/>

<meta http-equiv="window-target" content="_parent"/>

<meta http-equiv="window-target" content="_blank"/>

<meta http-equiv="window-target" content="_none"/>

[ Note: for more information on available target attribute values, check out our delightful article, The Friendliest Link Targets in the Neighborhood. ]

http-equiv content-style-type & content-script-type

The http-equiv content-style-type &amp; content-script-type tags indicate document style and script types, respectively, thereby permitting their omission from corresponding tags> For example, inclusion of the http-equiv content-style-type tag with a content value of text/css permits the document authors to omit this information when writing all subsequent < style> tags.

<meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css"/>

<meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript"/>

http-equiv content-type

The content-type tag specifies the document content type and corresponding character set. Examples of character type include UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-2022-JP. This tag instructs Netscape Navigator to load the appropriate character set before displaying the document contents. This tag should always be used in conjuction with the DTD declaration within the !DOCTYPE statement. Providing both DTD and http-equiv content-type ensures correct character interpretation and display.

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=US-ASCII"/>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>

Here is a (partial) list of character sets (charsets) commonly used to encode XHTML documents:

  • utf-8
  • utf-16
  • iso-8859-1
  • windows-1250
  • iso-8859-2

http-equiv content-language

The http-equiv content-language tag specifies the language used in the document. All supported languages are RFC-1766 compliant. Some supported languages include: BG (Bulgarian), CS (Czech), DA (Danish), DE (German), EL (Greek), EN (English), EN-GB (English-Great Britain), EN-US (English-United States), ES (Spanish), ES-ES (Spanish-Spain), FI (Finnish), HR (Croatian), IT (Italian), FR (French), FR-CA (French-Quebec), FR-FR (French-France), IT (Italian), JA (Japanese), KO (Korean), NL (Dutch), NO (Norwegian), PL (Polish), PT (Portuguese), RU (Russian), SV (Swedish), ZH (Chinese).

<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="EN"/>

http-equiv pragma & cache-control

The http-equiv pragma & cache-control tags are used together to control document caching and archiving. There are several methods of controlling how search engines and other clients crawl site content. If possible, use a robots.txt or htaccess file to accomplish caching directives. If it is not possible or preferable to use either of these files, the http-equiv pragma &amp; cache-control tags are preferred over the popular meta robots tag, as their caching influence is more universally affectual. Possible content values include: public (content may be cached in public shared caches), private (content may only be cached in private cache), no-cache (content may not be cached), and no-store (content may be cached but not archived).

<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"/>

<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"/>

http-equiv reply-to

The http-equiv reply-to tag specifies contact information (related tag: meta reply-to):

<meta http-equiv="reply-to" content=""/>

http-equiv refresh

The http-equiv refresh tag is used to redirect or refresh the document, but is no longer recommended because of the exclusion rules of several major search engines. The preferable method for URL redirection is via htaccess and mod_rewrite4. The content value, “x” in our example, determines the amount of time in seconds before which the browser will be redirected or refreshed according to the specified URL (related tag: meta refresh).

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="x; url="/>

http-equiv set-cookie

The http-equiv set-cookie tag creates a persistent cookie according to specified attributes, which include: value (the name of the cookie), n (the value of the cookie), date (the date/time of expiry), and url (the associated cookie path, if any). When the expiry date value is null, the cookie is deleted after the current session. The expiry date should be expressed in RFC850 format.

<meta http-equiv="Set-Cookie" content="value=n; expires=date; path=url"/>

<meta http-equiv="Set-Cookie" content="pie=3.14159265358979; expires=Monday, 04-July-50 07:07:07 GMT; path=./path/"/>

http-equiv expires

The http-equiv expires tag specifies an expiry date/time for the document. All date/time stamps must be generated in Greenwich Mean Time5 (GMT) and in RFC 1123 format. For more information on GMT formatting, check out our article, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Formats. Related tag: meta expires.

<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Mon, 04 Jul 2050 07:07:07 GMT" />

http-equiv page-enter

The http-equiv page-enter tag instructs compatible browsers to apply the specified transition to your page upon entering. Set the Duration value to the amount of time over which the transition should occur. Set the Transition value to the corresponding transitional effect (see below). Note that this trick will not work with frames.

<meta http-equiv="page-enter" content="RevealTrans(Duration=second;Transition=n)"/>

http-equiv page-exit

The http-equiv page-exit tag instructs compatible browsers to apply the specified transition to your page upon page exit. Set the Duration value to the amount of time over which the transition should occur. Set the Transition value to the corresponding transitional effect (see below). Note that this trick will not work with frames.

<meta http-equiv="page-exit" content="RevealTrans(Duration=second;Transition=n)"/>

Here is a list of transition numbers and their corresponding transitional effects:

  • 0 - Box in
  • 1 - Box out
  • 2 - Circle in
  • 3 - Circle out
  • 4 - Wipe up
  • 5 - Wipe down
  • 6 - Wipe right
  • 7 - Wipe left
  • 8 - Vertical blinds
  • 9 - Horizontal blinds
  • 10 - Checkerboard across
  • 11 - Checkerboard down
  • 12 - Random dissolve
  • 13 - Split vertical in
  • 14 - Split vertical out
  • 15 - Split horizontal in
  • 16 - Split horizontal out
  • 17 - Strips left down
  • 18 - Strips left up
  • 19 - Strips right down
  • 20 - Strips right up
  • 21 - Random bars horizontal
  • 22 - Random bars vertical
  • 23 - Random

miscellaneous http-equiv attributes

<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />

<meta http-equiv="MsThemeCompatible" content="no" />

link next

The link next tag specifies the URL of the next document (in a series of documents) that the agent/browser should load:

<link rel="next" href="[Next URL in series]"/>

link prev

The link prev tag specifies the URL of the previous document in a series of documents:

<link rel="prev" href="[Previous URL in series]"/>

link prefetch

The link prefetch tag specifies a URL which should preload:

<link rel="prefetch" href="[URL to preload]"/>

link stylesheet

The link stylesheet tag is used to associate an external .CSS file with the document. When using the link stylesheet tag it is necessary to include both type="text/css" and media="value", where “value” is set to either “print”, “screen”, or “all”:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/print.css" type="text/css" media="print"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/mains.css" type="text/css" media="all"/>

link shortcut icon

The link shortcut icon tag is used to associate a favicon.ico file to the document. In addition the link shortcut icon tag, the link icon tag also links a site to its associated favicon. Often, documents employ both of the following links tags (with identical directory paths) simultaneously:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>

<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"/>

<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/png"/>

link alternate

The link alternate tag may be used for establishing any number of a variety of link types. This tag is frequently associated with syndicated content, their inclusion subsequently enabling modern browsers to “autodiscover” any feeds that may be offered. For WordPress users, there is now a plugin that automatically produces a user-specified set of feed links 2. For this tag, the type attribute defines the feed format, while the title attribute specifies the title given to the feed. Here are several examples of the link alternate tag providing feed links:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0 Feed" href=""/>

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom Feed" href=""/>

<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS 0.92 Feed" href=""/>

link pingback

The link pingback tag enables pingbacks by associating required function(s) via the hypertext reference attribute (href):

<link rel="pingback" href=""/>

link archives

The link archives tag is used to associate a set of archive links to specified documents:

<link rel="archives" title="Archive Title" href=""/>

link bookmark

The bookmark tag specifies a “key entry point within an extended document.” For example, the following bookmark links employ title attributes to specify associated names for each of the bookmarks. Each web document may include multiple bookmark links.

<link rel="bookmark" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/current-doc.php#bookmark-01" title="Title of First Bookmark"/>

<link rel="bookmark" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/current-doc.php#bookmark-02" title="Title of Second Bookmark"/>

<link rel="bookmark" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/current-doc.php#bookmark-03" title="Title of Third Bookmark"/>

a few more..

Here are a few more that should be relatively (ha ha) self-explanatory:

<link rel="contents" href="http://domain.tld/main/" title="Main Contents"/>

<link rel="start" href="http://domain.tld/intro/" title="Introduction Page"/>

<link rel="help" href="http://domain.tld/faq/" title="Frequently Asked Questions"/>

<link rel="copyright" href="http://domain.tld/copyright/" title="Copyright Statement"/>

<link rel="license" href="http://domain.tld/license/" title="License Information"/>

<link rel="top" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/"/>

<link rel="parent" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/"/>

<link rel="author" href=""/>

<link rel="contents" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/sitemap.html"/>

<link rel="index" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/related-index.html"/>

<link rel="glossary" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/related-glossary.html"/>

<link rel="chapter" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/chapter-of-series.html"/>

<link rel="section" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/section-of-series.html"/>

<link rel="subsection" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/subsection-of-series.html"/>

<link rel="appendix" type="text/html" href="http://domain.tld/related-appendix.html"/>

Beyond the link types defined in this article, authors may create customized link types by defining them in an associated profile. For more information, refer to the profile attribute in the head element of this document (view source code).

meta tags [ ^ ]

Each meta element provides metadata according to its pair of name and content attributes. For each meta element, name specifies the property and content defines its property. All meta tags are entirely case-insensitive. If you are using XHTML for markup, however, all tags must be lowercase, but their values are case-insensitive. WordPress users may now add a complete set of meta data by using our free plugin, Head MetaData Plus 3.

meta title

Although the meta title tag is no longer used by most major search engines, it remains useful for reference and organizational purposes. This tag is simialr to the title tag, which should be used either in addition to or as replacement for the meta title tag:

<meta name="title" content="This is the Title of the Page"/>

meta description

The meta description tag is used in the search results of major search engines. Optimizing the content of this tag with effective keywords will help improve page rank. Use any alphanumeric characters — uppercase and/or lowercase — and limit to 250 characters (including spaces) or less:

<meta name="description" content="This is the description of the page."/>

meta keywords

Also important in search engine optimization, meta keywords are used by search engines in determining the type of content contained in the document. To optimize this tag, limit the number of keywords to around 12 page-specific lowercase words or short phrases. The keywords may be space-seperated or comma-seperated:

<meta name="keywords" content="keywords, buzzwords, descriptive, optimized, spelling, variations, etcetera"/>

meta language

The meta language tag indicates the language used in the document (related tag: http-equiv language):

<meta name="language" content="English"/>

meta subject

The meta subject tag indicates the primary subject of the document. Although the meta subject tag is no longer used by most major search engines, it remains useful for reference and organizational purposes:

<meta name="subject" content="The Subject of the Page"/>

meta abstract

The meta abstract tag provides a brief description of the document, and is usually a summary of the description tag:

<meta name="abstract" content="This is a brief yet descriptive summary of the page content."/>

meta generator

The meta generator tag specifies the generator or software used in the production of the document:

<meta name="generator" content="The Generator of the Document"/>

meta publisher

The meta publisher tag specifies the publisher of the document:

<meta name="publisher" content="Document Publisher"/>

meta owner

The meta owner tag specifies the owner of the document:

<meta name="owner" content="Document Owner"/>

meta copyright

The meta copyright tag specifies copyright information and/or trademark names, patent numbers, or other legal information:

<meta name="copyright" content="The Business, 2008. All rights Reserved."/>

meta date

The meta date tag specifies the date on which the document was last modified:

<meta name="date" content="YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD" />

  • YYYY = four-digit year
  • MM = two-digit month
  • DD = two-digit day of month
  • hh = two-digit hour (00 through 23 only)
  • mm = two-digit minute (00 through 59)
  • ss = two-digit second (00 through 59)
  • TZD = time zone designator

meta address

The meta address tag specifies an associated contact address for the document:

<meta name="address" content="contact address info" />

meta author

The meta author tag specifies the author(s) of the document, and may include name(s), email(s), and/or url(s). Note, the preferred language of the author should be specified via the lang="xx" attribute, where xx represents the two-digit language abbreviation.

<meta name="author" content="Author Name,"/>

meta designer

The meta designer tag specifies the designer(s) of the document:

<meta name="designer" content="The Designer"/>

meta template

The meta template tag indicates the name of any template pertaining to the document:

<meta name="template" content="Template Name"/>

meta resource-type

The meta resource-type tag describes the document resource type, and should be used in conjuction with the DTD declaration. Apparently, the value for the content attribute must always be document:

<meta name="resource-type" content="document"/>

meta classification

The meta classification tag describes the document’s classification:

<meta name="classification" content="Website Design"/>

meta doc-type, doc-class, & doc-rights

Here are three additional tags that may be used to help further define, classify and/or organize documents:

<meta name="doc-type" content="public"/>

<meta name="doc-class" content="completed"/>

<meta name="doc-rights" content="copywritten work"/>

meta distribution

The meta distribution tag defines the intended level of distribution of the document on the world wide web. Supported distribution types include global (WWWeb), local (IP Block), and IU (Internal Use: not recommended, may cause problems). Use of this tag is rare for documents that are intended for use throughout the entire World Wide Web. Documents using this tag to limit distribution are advised to use the robots.txt or htaccess file either in addition to or as replacement for the meta distribution tag.

<meta name="distribution" content="global"/>

meta page-topic

The meta page-topic tag describes the topic of the document:

<meta name="page-topic" content="Topic of the Page"/>

meta page-type

The meta page-type tag enables authors to further specify and/or classify the page by indicating a specific type:

<meta name="page-type" content="Commercial"/>

meta audience

The meta audience tag specifies a specific audience type:

<meta name="audience" content="All"/>

meta rating

The meta rating tag specifies the rating of the document within the context of intended audience type:

<meta name="rating" content="general"/>

meta robots

The meta robots tag declares to search engines which links and/or content to follow/ignore, cache/archive, and/or display/ignore. Although the robots.txt1 file is the preferred method for these directives, the meta robots tag issues the same directives, namely all, index, noindex, follow, nofollow, as well as noimageindex and nomediaindex (related tag: http-equiv cache-control):

<meta name="robots" content="index,follow"/>

Here are the possible values for the meta robots tag:

  • index - index the page
  • noindex - don’t index the page
  • follow - follow links from the page
  • nofollow - don’t follow links from the page
  • noarchive - don’t cache/archive the page
  • none - do nothing, ignore the page
  • all - do whatever you want, default behavior

meta googlebot

The meta googlebot tag declares to search engines which links and/or content to follow/ignore, cache/archive, and/or display/ignore. Although the robots.txt1 file is the preferred method for these directives, the meta googlebot tag issues the same directives, namely all (open season on all content), index (index pages for search results), noindex (do not index pages for search results), follow (follow links), nofollow (do not follow links), archive (please archive/cache all content), noarchive (do not cache/archive content), snippet (use cached content as search result excerpt), nosnippet (use no excerpt or cached content in search results — use title tag instead):

<meta name="googlebot" content="noarchive"/>

meta refresh

The meta refresh tag instructs the browser to refresh the document after the specified number of seconds (related tag: http-equiv refresh):

<meta name="refresh" content="5"/>

meta expires

The meta expires tag is used in conjuction with the meta revisit-after tag for frequently updated content. The meta expires tag indicates the expiry date for the document (related tag: http-equiv expires). This tag requires RFC1123 date format:

<meta name="expires" content="Mon, 04 Jul 2050 07:07:07 GMT"/>

<meta name="expires" content="Never"/>

meta revisit-after

The revisit-after tag declares the number of days after which search engines should revisit your webpage for re-indexing. This tag is used in conjuction with the meta expires tag for frequently updated content. The revisit-after tag is useful for search rank optimization when search results are ordered according to date of most recent submission:

<meta name="revisit-after" content="3"/>

meta reply-to

The meta reply-to tag specifies contact information (related tag: http-equiv reply-to):

<meta name="reply-to" content="Some Person,"/>

meta no-email-collection

The meta no-email-collection tag instructs search agents not to collect any email addresses from the document. Further, a link may provided to any specific email policy regarded by the domain. Note: although some search engines may indeed obey this command, many do not.

<meta name="no-email-collection" value=""/>

meta VW96.ObjectType

The meta VW96.ObjectType tag is based on an early version of the Dublin Core report, using a defined schema of document types:

<meta name="VW96.ObjectType" content="faq | howto |etc"/>

meta MSSmartTags

The meta MSSmartTags tag has something to do with Microsoft software and, well I really don’t (yawn) care enough to research this tag:

<meta name="MSSmartTags" content="true"/>

<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true"/>

Other proprietary Microsoft nonsense

These are listed here for reference purposes only. If you find yourself needing more information regarding these proprietary tags, you are in a dark place, traveling down a very dark road..

<meta name="DownloadOptions" content="Download Options for Whatever"/>

<meta name="ProgId" content="Programmatic Identifier for Whatever"/>

<meta name="Template" content="Template Location for the Document"/>

Here is one for the MSIE image toolbar. Useful for disabling such nonsense:

<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="yes|no|true|false"/>

This one is used to disable the MS WinXP theme compatibility nonsense:

<meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="no"/>

meta version

Indicate any specific content version info via this tag:

<meta name="version" content="MeatSpace 3.0"/>

meta presdate

Indicate any specific content presentation date via this tag: (date shown represents 2007/01/01)

<meta name="presdate" content="20070101"/>

meta defaultView

Indicate any specific content view type via this tag:

<meta name="defaultView" content="slideshow"/>

meta controlVis

Indicate the visibilty status of any inherent controls for the document:

<meta name="controlVis" content="hidden"/>

meta viewport

This tag is recognized by the iPhone’s Mobile Safari browser and controls the behavior of its viewport. For example, if your site is 777 pixels wide, using the following meta tag would enable Mobile Safari to size the viewport according to the correct dimensions:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=777" />

miscellaneous meta attributes

<meta name="autosize" content="off"/>

geo meta tags [ ^ ]

The meta geo tag specifies the relative physical location of the document. For the geo.position name, latitude is plotted vertically as the “y” coordinate, while longitude is plotted horizontally as the “x” coordinate. For more information, search for “geotag generator” and “checkmap” or “check map” Web pages that utilize the geo.position tag are encouraged to display a GeoTag icon:

<meta name="geo.position" content="latitude;longitude"/>

<meta name="geo.position" content="49.2;-123.4"/>

The geo.placename helps to further define physical location by specifying the name of the location:

<meta name="geo.placename" content="place name"/>

<meta name="geo.placename" content="London, Ontario"/>

There is also a geo.region tag that is useful for indicating the associated region via the country’s subdivision code. The country’s subdivion code is predefined, taken from a controlled ISO 3166-2 list, and may be used for resource discovery. If the regional code is unknown, the 2-character country code may be used instead. This tag may also be used to check or validate the geo.position tag:

<meta name="geo.region" content="country subdivision code"/>

<meta name="geo.region" content="US-WA"/>

And don’t forget about the "" meta tag, which indicates the two-digit abbreviation of the associated country:

<meta name="" content="US"/>

Here is another set of tags used to add your location to the GeoURL ICBM Address Server

more info ):

<meta name="ICBM" content="XXX.XXXXX, XXX.XXXXX"/>

<meta name="DC.title" content="THE NAME OF YOUR SITE"/>

Dublin Core tags [ ^ ]

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) is an organization dedicated to promoting the widespread adoption of interoperable metadata standards and developing specialized metadata vocabularies for describing resources that enable more intelligent information discovery systems.

Here are a few of the metadata elements developed by the Dublin Core; for a complete list, check out their website at

<meta name="dc.title" content="Document Title"/>

<meta name="dc.format" content="Document Format"/>

<meta name="dc.rights" content="Document Rights"/>

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace is product line ranges from top quality Indonesian furniture and Indonesian handicraft such as office furniture, classic furniture handicraft, contemporary bedroom furniture, variety of sofas, tables, chairs, almirahs, bookshelves, racks, mirror frames, antique reproductions, teak wood furniture, wooden handicraft, bamboo handicraft, etc.

With the philosophy of "Customer Satisfaction is always Number One!", Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace has passionately pursued the vision of expanding furniture domain and became known to customers, manufacturers, importers and exporters around the world.

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace is a complete value of wholesaling resource. Its missions are to be reliable resource offering the customers wide and ever-changing selections of magnificent products explored from sustainable natural material, and to be a reliable partner for traditional makers, embracing and empowering them through participating into the global market.

Many various business partner Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace involved in the furniture business in Indonesia, on this occasion I recommend OutofIndonesia, because OutofIndonesia is a trusted online Indonesia Wholesale Marketplace sourcing platform that connects over 120,000 credible suppliers verified by renowned authentication companies and is an online business marketplace which works towards eliminating global boundaries and one of wholesale directory. Its a premium B2B platform for manufacturers, traders, suppliers as well as buyers. Import and export trade leads posted through opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs to explore new markets.

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Here are some examples of products available in list of OutofIndonesia is Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace:

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace

There are many more furniture products list in OutofIndonesia not mansion in this blog, please contact OutofIndonesia immediately due OutofIndonesia is Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace B2B trusted in Indonesia.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Meta Tag For Blogger Blogspot

Different Meta Tags For Each Post Blogger

What's Different Meta Tags For Each Post in Blogger?

By default if you're adding Meta Tags to blogger template, then all of your page including home page will have the same Meta Tags Description. Is it wrong? No. It's just when you submitted your blog to google then you'll have duplicate meta tags description. different Meta Tags Description in each post will be more google friendly.

Step by Step to add Different Meta tags description For Each Post in your blogspot blog.

Step 1 Install title tags optimized

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

Step 2 Add Meta tag Description and Meta Keywords

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Your home page description' name='description'/>
<meta content='your keywords, keywords1, keyword2' name='keywords'/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='Description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + &quot;, your keywords, keywords1, keyword2 &quot;' name='keywords'/>

Step 3 Change The Blue Text To Your Own

Step 4 Your Final code Should be like below

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta content='Your home page description' name='description'/>
<meta content='your keywords, keywords1, keyword2' name='keywords'/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' name='Description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName + &quot;, your keywords, keywords1, keyword2 &quot;' name='keywords'/>


Step 5. Save it and Done. For question please refer to this page

Different Meta Tags For Each Post Blogger

Good luck.

Thursday, March 25, 2010 Solusi Berpromosi Solusi Berpromosi. Bersama dengan, saya menawarkan solusi terbaik untuk berpromosi produk di Internet, tentunya dengan biaya yang relatif murah namun akan berdampak bagus terhadap penjualan produk anda.

Seperti kita tahu bahwa di Indonesia terdapat banyak sekali bidang-bidang bisnis yang menghasilkan berbagai produk namun karena keterbatasan pengetahuan mengenai dunia Internet maka tidak sedikit dari pebisnis yang tidak memanfaatkan Internet, gulung tikar alias merugi lantaran penjualan yang sangat minim, dan/atau beberapa penyebab lainnya seperti tidak seimbangnya antara biaya produk dan hasil penjualan produk, maka solusi yang saya tawarkan adalah, karena adalah salah satu jalan bagi anda untuk menuju sukses bisnis di Internet. Solusi Berpromosi merupakan jaringan periklanan di Indonesia sebagai pihak ketiga yang pada tujuannya adalah Solusi Berpromosi yang menghubungkan antara pemasang iklan / pemilik produk atau disebut sebagai "Advertiser" dengan pemilik blog / website atau disebut sebagai "Publisher" sebagai sarana berpromosi bisnis lewat media Internet.

Analisa mengenai perkembangan pengguna Internet di Indonesia, saat ini setiap hari semakin meningkat, disamping media cetak dan elektronik sebagai solusi berpromosi lainnya, Internet lah yang paling menjadi trend saat ini, dimana sekarang ini Internet sudah bukan barang langkah dan hampir setiap orang tahu cara mengoperasikannya. Dikantor, dirumah atau di sekolahpun saat ini sudah mulai membudaya dunia Internet. Tetapi walaupun banyak pemakai Internet, banyak perusahaan kecil dan menengah masih belum tahu cara berpromosi produk di Internet.

Dari pengamatan saya, saat ini PPC (Pay Per Click) lokal adalah sarana yang penting dalam berpromosi di Internet karena seluruh iklan anda 99% hanya akan dibaca oleh pengguna Internet di Indonesia. Sebagai contoh yang sangat saya rekomendasikan adalah dimana anda dapat mempromosikan produk anda seperi hasil kerajinan, obat-obatan, jamu, makanan, tempat usaha, pupuk, asesoris, barang-barang digital semacam software, e-book, video, ataupun usaha kecil menengah, dalam hal ini furniture, pakaian, atau usaha lainnya yang sedang anda geluti saat ini.

Kenapa saya sangat merekomendasikan Solusi Berpromosi?

Saya mengajak anda untuk bergabung bersama para blogger dan untuk menjadi Advertiser untuk memasang iklan di sebagaimana iklan yang anda pasang akan tampil dan disebarkan lebih dari 6000 website/blog, jumlah tersebut akan terus bertambah tiap harinya karena dengan bertambahnya pula Publisher yang bekerjasama dalam berpromosi produk yang anda tawarkan dan perlu diketahui bahwasanya ini adalah solusi paling efektif dan efisien dalam berpromosi produk di Internet. Biaya yang akan anda keluarkan untuk memasang iklan di relatif murah. Hanya dengan RP. 400,- /klik ditambah bonus pulsa hingga 25% setiap deposit yang anda lakukan. Hal ini akan sangat membantu anda dalam mencari solusi berpromosi produk di Internet.

Jadi tunggu apa lagi, segeralah menuju link situs sebagai salah satu sarana solusi berpromosi paling efektif dan efisien di Internet untuk semua jenis produk bisnis anda.

Bergabunglah sekarang, jangan anda lewatkan kesempatan emas untuk bergabung dengan Solusi Berpromosi

Untuk para blogger, ini adalah solusi bisnis terbaik saat ini, disamping akan mendapatkan rizki dari iklan yang terpasang di blog/website anda, anda juga bisa meraih total hadiah sebesar Rp 14 juta rupiah dari lewat ajang "Kontes Search Engine Optimization" yang ditujukan khusus untuk pemilik blog atau website yang diselenggarakan dan

Akhir kata, saya mengajak segenap para blogger untuk bergabung dengan sebagai pemasang iklan (Publisher), dan para pengusaha kecil, menengah dan besar untuk memasang iklan sebagai Advertiser menawarkan produk lewat program Pay Per Click di karena Solusi Berpromosi.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Make Auto Read More Functions

Make Auto Read More Functions to blog is very important, caused this function is SEO friendly and make visitor possible to continuous surfing to your site. This time, I would be give tips and trick to make "Auto Read More" without file javascript hosting to others hosting site. If you already have "Manually Read More" function, you can remove first and reinstall with this function. You can remove this script in your posting manually with called function : <div class="fullpost">...</div> or <span class="fullpost">...</span> where this function usually put in our posting page. This version Auto Read More very amazing caused this version can make cut sentence by automated function and make your picture in posting visible to appear, caused your image in posting page created image thumbnail with first sentence paragraph. But only that, we can adjust total number character and adjust image thumbnail size.
See example screenshot bellow:

Make Auto Read More Functions

Note: If you already put "Manual Read More", must be returned back to original script, remove this script code bellow, every template maybe different, but we must adjust to normal, please see code bellow and make normal script in your template.

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
<div class='post-body'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>


<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Readmore</a>


<div style='clear: both;'/>

After normal adjust that script above, continuous to EDIT HTML and found </head>,copy-paste and put this script bellow in above code script </head>, and continuous "Make Auto Read More Functions".

<script type='text/javascript'>
var thumbnail_mode = "float" ;

summary_noimg = 250;
summary_img = 250;
img_thumb_height = 120;
img_thumb_width = 120;
<script type='text/javascript'>


function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){
var s = strx.split("<");
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){
s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);
strx = s.join("");
chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;
while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;
strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);
return strx+'...';
function createSummaryAndThumb(pID){
var div = document.getElementById(pID);
var imgtag = "";
var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");
var summ = summary_noimg;
if(img.length>=1) {
imgtag = '<span style="float:left; padding:0px 10px 5px 0px;"><img src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+img_thumb_width+'px" height="'+img_thumb_height+'px"/></span>';
summ = summary_img;
var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';
div.innerHTML = summary;

On EDIT HTML, check "Expand widget template" and found this script code bellow:

If you have been found <data:post.body/>, copy-paste this script code bellow:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>

<div expr:id='"summary" +'><data:post.body/></div>

<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<>");</script>

<span class='rmlink' style='float:left'><a expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title'>Read More »»» <data:post.title/></a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>

Save your template and see the result.


var thumbnail_mode = "float"; (decided to put image thumbnail in left "float", if you not like this, change with option "no-float")
summary_noimg = 250; (decided how much sentences character will be appear without image thumbnail)
summary_img = 250;(decided how much sentences character will be appear with image thumbnail)
img_thumb_height = 120; (adjust height thumbnail pixel)
img_thumb_width = 120; (adjust width thumbnail pixel)

Good Luck

Friday, March 19, 2010

Kontes SEO dan

Berita Super Panas Di Tahun 2010

Raihlah Total Hadiah Sebesar
Rp 14 Juta Dari!

...sekaligus membuktikan kemampuan Anda kepada Indonesia...


Untuk pengumuman resmi tentang kontes, update terbaru tentang kontes,
tanya jawab penting, dan sebagainya, silakan:

Dari Meja Kerja Haryo Hardy P,
team dan

Dear sahabat-sahabat semua. Terima kasih untuk telah dan tetap menjadi pembaca setia blog internet marketing
Kali ini sebagai tanda terima kasih saya kepada Anda semua, dan sebagai ekspresi rasa syukur saya telah “dipertemukan” dengan dunia internet marketing ini, saya ingin membuat sebuah kejutan untuk Anda semua.
Dan kejutannya adalah… bekerjasama dengan mengadakan sebuah kontes SEO dengan total hadiah senilai Rp 14 Juta rupiah, dengan nama resmi:

Kontes SEO

Bagi Anda yang ingin mendapat tambahan dana, atau ingin menjajal kemampuan SEO Anda, atau mungkin hanya sekedar bersenang-senang… ini adalah kesempatan emas untuk Anda!

Latar Belakang
Seperti yang Anda ketahui, bahwa sekitar 5 bulan yang lalu saya meluncurkan sebuah jaringan PPC lokal bernama Dan dalam waktu 5 bulan ini, lebih dari 4.000 publisher bergabung di NegeriAds dan kami menayangkan iklan hingga 200.000-250.000 kali tampilan setiap hari.
Selain jumlah publisher yang sudah cukup banyak, kami pun telah dipercaya oleh begitu banyak advertiser (pemasang iklan) untuk membantu mempromosikan berbagai produk barang dan jasa yang mereka miliki.
Ada banyak sekali advertiser yang telah memasang iklan di jaringan kami, mulai dari iklan tentang penjualan tiket seminar, kursus bahasa Inggris, hingga berbagai iklan-iklan tentang berbagai panduan internet marketing (ebook & video berkualitas) dan berbagai peluang bisnis online (non-scam).
Sebagai pemilik dan pengelola, saya sangat senang dengan hasil yang dicapai saat ini. Rasanya senang bisa membantu orang lain untuk memasarkan produk dan jasa mereka. Dan tentunya saya akan lebih senang jika lebih banyak lagi advertiser dan publisher yang bergabung dengan NegeriAds.

Tujuan Kontes
Kontes ini saya buat dengan beberapa tujuan yaitu:
Untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia tentang pentingnya internet marketing, atau pemasaran produk dan jasa melalui internet.
Dan juga tentunya mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya menggunakan jasa PPC lokal (NegeriAds) untuk berpromosi di internet, karena membantu penyebaran iklan ke ribuan situs sekaligus. Sebuah hal yang tidak mungkin dilakukan tanpa jaringan iklan seperti NegeriAds.
Pada akhirnya, melalui kontes ini, diharapkan akan meningkatkan kesadaran dan kemampuan masyarakat Indonesia terkait internet marketing.

Waktu Perlombaan:
Dimulai tanggal 17 Maret 2010, dan berakhir tanggal 27 Juni 2010 pukul 10.00 WIB.

Tema Tulisan:
“Pentingnya Menggunakan PPC Lokal Untuk Berpromosi Di Internet”.
Silakan tulis tentang betapa pentingnya untuk menggunakan PPC Lokal untuk berpromosi di internet. Anda bisa menyebutkan tentang kelebihan jaringan PPC seperti cepat terlihat hasilnya, mudah dipergunakan, iklan langsung tersebar di ribuan situs sekaligus, iklan bisa tampil hingga puluhan ribu kali dalam sehari, mudah dicek hasilnya, hanya membayar untuk setiap klik yang terjadi, hasil marketing terlihat instant, dan lain sebagainya.
Di dalam artikel, Anda harus mempromosikan sebagai PPC Lokal pilihan untuk mempromosikan produk dan jasa para pembaca. Entah itu memasarkan barang digital (ebook, video, script, software, ...) ataupun barang fisik (pakaian [clothing], kendaraan, perabotan, pupuk, alat tulis, aksesoris, otomotif, ...) ataupun memasarkan jasa-jasa bermanfaat lainnya.
Anda dapat menulis dengan gaya bahasa apapun, entah serius atau bercanda. Anda juga bisa menulis berdasar referensi, berdasar pengalaman, berdasar analisa, terserah Anda.
Akan merupakan sebuah nilai tambah jika di dalam artikel tersebut Anda juga memotivasi para pemilik produk-produk UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) seperti kerajinan, pakaian, furniture dan sebagainya untuk beriklan di jaringan PPC NegeriAds untuk mengembangkan bisnis mereka.
Kenapa produk UKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah)?
Jawabannya, karena saya melihat masih jarang ada produk UKM yang dipromosikan melalui internet. Saya ingin membantu mengembangkan industri UKM di Indonesia, dengan menyadarkan mereka tentang pentingnya memasarkan produk-produk mereka melalui bantuan jaringan PPC lokal — seperti
Sebagai informasi, penggerak ekonomi dan penyerap tenaga kerja terbesar di Indonesia bukanlah satu dua perusahaan raksasa, tetapi industri UKM. Dengan berkembangnya UKM-UKM yang ada, tentu akan menyerap banyak tenaga kerja (mengurangi pengangguran) dan meningkatkan kualitas perekonomian bangsa ini.
Jadi, salah satu “Grand Design” dari kontes ini adalah untuk membantu meningkatkan kesejahteraan bangsa kita, sesuai dengan kemampuan yang saya (dan Anda) miliki. Karenanya, Anda perlu untuk mendukung penuh kegiatan ini.

Target Kata Kunci:

“ Solusi Berpromosi”
(tanpa tanda kutip, semua huruf kecil)

Juri Lomba:, bukan
Tanpa sign-in, pada pilihan “telusuri web” (bukan “laman dari Indonesia”), tanpa web history, clear cache, dan tanpa cookies, untuk menghindari fitur personalized search dari Google Search Engine.

Top 10 Google Results.
Mereka yang menjadi pemenang adalah blog (atau situs) yang berada pada posisi 1-10 halaman pertama dengan keyword Solusi Berpromosi pada akhir masa perlombaan, yaitu tanggal: 27 Juni 2010 pukul 10.00 WIB.
Para pemenang akan diumumkan tanggal 27 Juni 2010 pukul 13.00 siang, melalui blog Ini akan menjadi hari minggu yang menyenangkan untuk para pemenang!

Total hadiah sebesar Rp 14 juta, dengan komposisi sebagai berikut:

Pemenang 1: Rp 3.000.000,-
Pemenang 2: Rp 2.500.000,-
Pemenang 3: Rp 2.000.000,-
Pemenang 4: Rp 1.500.000,-
Pemenang 5: Rp 1.000.000,-
Pemenang 6: Rp 1.000.000,-
Pemenang 7: Rp 750.000,-
Pemenang 8: Rp 750.000,-
Pemenang 9: Rp 750.000,-
Pemenang 10: Rp 750.000,-

Cara Kerja:

  1. Lakukan pendaftaran sebagai publisher NegeriAds di sini (klik).
    Kami akan memakai data di untuk menghubungi para pemenang. Jika Anda sudah pernah mendaftar sebagai publisher, abaikan langkah ini.

  2. Pasang banner referral NegeriAds di sidebar blog Anda dan juga script iklan NegeriAds di blog atau website Anda. Ini sebagai tanda partisipasi Anda.
    Kami akan melakukan identifikasi peserta dari banner yang mereka pasang. Blog yang tidak memasang banner akan di-diskualifikasi. Kode banner bisa diambil di sini (login dulu sebagai publisher).

  3. Buat artikel sesuai tema dan kata kunci yang ditentukan, lalu optimasi supaya menjadi ranking 10 besar di Jangan lupa berikan link ke dan ke halaman ini(

  4. Rajin-rajinlah membaca dan berkomentar di, hingga pengumuman pemenang diberitahukan sesuai waktu yang dijanjikan. Update tentang lomba akan disampaikan di

Ketentuan Utama:

  • Konten harus memiliki makna sesuai tema dan bukan hanya modifikasi keyword yang semata-mata untuk optimasi SEO saja.
  • Tidak boleh menyebut nama jaringan PPC lain dalam posting Anda, apalagi memberi link, entah bernada positif ataupun bernada negatif.
  • Selama lomba berlangsung Anda harus terus memasang banner NegeriAds di website/blog Anda. Jika dilepas, kami berhak untuk melakukan diskualifikasi.

Ketentuan Artikel & Blog (4 Poin Wajib):

[1] Pada artikel yang Anda buat, harus terdapat link menuju

[2] Pada artikel juga, harus terdapat link menuju halaman ini (

  • Juga harus memberikan text link menuju ke halaman ini(
[3] Pada sidebar di blog Anda, harus terdapat banner referral NegeriAds:

  • Untuk mengambil kode banner referral, bisa didapat di sini (login dulu sebagai publisher)
  • Lalu silakan copy paste kode iklan tersebut di sidebar Anda.
  • Keuntungan untuk Anda: jika Ada yang join di NegeriAds melalui banner Anda, Anda akan mendapatkan komisi dari kami.
[4] Pada sidebar juga, harus terdapat script iklan dari jaringan NegeriAds:

Keterangan: posisi banner & script iklan TIDAK harus bersebelahan.

Ketentuan Umum:

  • Kontes ini terbuka untuk para pemilik blog dan situs web di Indonesia.
  • Hanya pemilik website dan blog pribadi (gratis atau dengan domain sendiri) yang boleh ikut. Forum, iklan baris, dan website yang isinya diisi oleh publik (bukan diisi oleh pribadi), dilarang ikut.
  • Konten tidak boleh mengandung pornografi, isu SARA, hujatan, permusuhan, atau hal-hal yang tidak baik. Jadikan kontes ini damai dan bermanfaat.
  • URL dilarang menggunakan domain ataupun subdomain bertarget kata kunci. Hanya nama file / halaman yang boleh bertarget kata kunci.
  • Peserta dilarang menggunakan metode Black Hat untuk mendapat ranking yang tinggi.
  • Dilarang mengcopy artikel peserta lain, akan otomatis didiskualifikasi.
  • Anda boleh menulis sebanyak-banyaknya, di berbagai website anda, tidak harus di sautu website saja, selama Anda memasang banner yang diwajibkan di setiap web tersebut.
  • Juri adalah, dengan pilihan “cari di web” (bukan di Indonesia)
  • Konten boleh diedit berulangkali untuk kepentingan SEO.
  • Bila nanti hasil yang muncul di adalah website, atau atau jaringan lainnya milik saya, maka itu tidak masuk hitungan dan pemenangnya adalah yang berada di posisi berikutnya.
  • Bila nanti hasil yang muncul di adalah website publik (tidak diperbolehkan ikut), maka itu tidak masuk hitungan dan pemenangnya adalah yang berada di posisi berikutnya.
  • Bila ada perubahan atau ketentuan tambahan, akan diinformasikan melalui blog Karena itu kunjungi terus blog
  • Panitia berhak menyetujui/tidak keanggotaan peserta atau artikel tertentu berdasarkan peraturan yang ada.

Penentuan Pemenang:

  • Pemenang akan diumumkan di blog
  • Pemenang kontes adalah peserta yang blog atau situs webnya tercantum di pada tanggal 27 Juni 2010 pukul 10.00 WIB.
  • Panjang artikel yang dilombakan minimal 400 kata yang bicara tentang Solusi Berpromosi.
  • Untuk memacu kreativitas anda, postingan yang semata-mata hanya berita kontes tidak dimasukkan dalam hitungan lomba. Jadi andaikan pada akhir batas perlombaan terdapat artikel berita kontes yang masuk dalam 10 besar, itu tidak termasuk pemenangnya. Dan akan diganti pada urutan berikutnya. Maka dari itu, anda harus segera edit jika artikel yang anda lombakan seperti itu.
  • Tetapi jika postingan anda ditulis sesuai dengan tema yang diharuskan, namun juga menambahkan sedikit informasi soal berita kontes, maka itu dianggap sah dan dimasukkan sebagai artikel peserta. Paling tidak materi harus didominasi oleh tulisan motivasi untuk mendorong pembaca Solusi Berpromosi, sesuai tema lomba. Infomasi kontes boleh dicantumkan sedikit/belakangan atau di postingan lain.
  • Panitia berhak meninjau ulang peraturan seperti menambah, mengurangi peraturan menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan kompetisi lomba. Untuk hal yang ini tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
  • Jika ada perbedaan hasil pada google search result di komputer Anda dan komputer panitia, maka yang dipakai acuan adalah dari pihak panitia. Kami tidak akan login ke google, dan kami akan membersihkan semua cookies supaya hasil pencarian google di komputer kami netral.
  • Keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Tanya Jawab (Terus Diupdate):

Senjata Anda Untuk Memenangkan Kontes

Untuk bisa memenangkan kontes ini, cara satu-satunya adalah dengan mendapatkan ranking 10 besar di untuk keyword yang telah ditentukan di atas. Pertanyaannya bagaimana caranya?
Jawabannya adalah dengan menguasai dan menerapkan ilmu-ilmu SEO (search engine optimization) yang akan membantu Anda untuk meraih posisi tinggi de search engine (dalam kasus ini:
Karena itu, saya ingin membantu Anda semua yang ikut berkompetisi, dengan memberikan bonus 3 ebook gratisseputar SEO yang akan membantu Anda dalam menjalani kontes.

Untuk mendapatkan bonusnya, lakukan langkah mudah berikut ini:
tuliskan di blog anda sebuah artikel (posting) berita, khusus untuk meliput seputar kontes ini, dan berikan link balik dari posting tersebut menuju ke halaman ini (
  • Judul yang disarankan adalah: "Dapatkan 14 Juta Dari Kontes SEO!", "Rp 14 Juta Dari", dan judul yang sejenisnya.

Setelah itu, kirim email berjudul "Request Bonus Artikel" ke, dan beritahukan alamat posting (artikel blog) di mana Anda memasang link menuju halaman ini( Kami akan segera memberi link download ebooknya kepada Anda.
Ingin bonus lebih banyak lagi? Boleh. Anda bisa mendapatkan bonus tambahan berupa software SEO Studiosecara Free (Legal) untuk membantu Anda bersaing memperebutkan posisi puncak:

seo studio
Untuk mendapatkan bonus tambahan ini, lakukan langkah mudah berikut:
  • pasang salah satu banner kontes di sidebar (sisi kiri atau sisi kanan) blog Anda (muncul di semua halaman, mohon jangan dihapus sampai akhir lomba)
  • kode banner dan contoh banner ada di bagian akhir halaman ini
Setelah itu, kirim email berjudul "Request Bonus Banner" ke, dan beritahukan alamat blog di mana Anda memasang banner kontes yang menuju halaman ini( Kami akan segera mengirimkan link download softwarenya kepada Anda.
Silakan ikuti kontes ini dengan semangat dan jujur. Untuk pertanyaan dan komentar berkaitan dengan kontes, silakan sampaikan melalui form komentar di blog

Nah sekarang, langsung lakukan langkah pertama Anda!

Setelah itu, mulailah posting dengan target keyword " Solusi Berpromosi" dan optimasikan artikelnya... hingga kemenangan ada di tangan Anda!

Untuk kesuksesan Anda, dan orang-orang yang Anda cintai!
Kesuksesan Dimulai Dari Keberanian


Untuk pengumuman resmi tentang kontes, update terbaru tentang kontes,tanya jawab penting, dan sebagainya, silakan:



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